Referrals earn 50% of all sales generated!
Earn on initial sale and all renewals!
Managed with reliable payouts direct from CCbill

Affiliate Signup

Sign up with CCbill for a unique Affiliate ID

To make money from signups, just use the links below, replacing the XXXXXX with your Affiliate ID

Front Page http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=924044-0003&PA=XXXXXX&HTML=https://daddyswap.com/main
Localized profiles http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=924044-0003&PA=XXXXXX&HTML=https://daddyswap.com/places

(Note: Localized profiles convert extremely well and offer immediate signup - We *highly* recommend using this link!)